• Ankur Shukla



    Trained in the discipline of history and specialized in labour history, Ankur pursued his M.Phil. research between 2013 and 2015 covering Delhi's industrial and urban history extending from 1921 to 1951. He has research interests in the fields of Labour History, Public Policy, and Human Wellbeing. Currently, At present, he is engaged as a doctoral candidate in the study covering the wellbeing of Indian Industrial Workers across the colonial and post-colonial period (particularly on implications of public policies and regulations on the lives of industrial labour). 

    Research Publication
    • Exploring Values and Beliefs in a Complex Coastal Social-Ecological System: A Case of Small-Scale Fishery and Dried Fish Production in Sagar Island, Indian Sundarbans ----  Link
    Research Thrust
    Public Policy, Wellbeing, and Labor History